Site Surveying Ireland

Site Surveying IrelandSite Surveying is one of the first vital steps to be taken on any site. Pre-determination and mapping of all existing underground networks is vitally important for any construction project, big or small.Damage to existing underground networks can be quite costly and dangerous.

Glentoor Water Conservation provide a full and through site surveying service for all construction projects. Initially a site meeting is arranged to discuss the proposed project. Preliminary investigatory works are carried out to establish the existence of utilities, i.e. gas, water, electric, telecom etc.

Once these utilities have been located, they are traced to identify their route and depth. We then initiate the use of ground radar to establish, locate and identify non-visual utilities i.e. storm water, foul sewer and drains. When this exercise is completed all utilities are displayed on a site specific map detailing their location and depths. This allows construction work to commence in a safe and confident manner ultimately removing the hazardous risks of operating ‘blindly’.

Glentoor Water Conservation are professional Site Surveyors and are available nationwide.

Contact us today for more information on Site Surveying